Once Upon a Broken Heart

  • Titel: Once Upon a Broken Heart
  • Autor: Stephanie Garber
  • Übersetzung: Diana Bürgel
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Verlag: cbj
  • ISBN: 9783570167069
  • Erschienen: November 2023
  • Einband: Taschenbuch
  • Umfang: 475
  • Preis: 17,00 €
In den Warenkorb


Anna Birken

Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber


„Every story has the potential for infinite endings“


Once upon a broken heart tells the story of Evangeline Fox, a girl with a broken heart. She seeks the help of Jack – a fate also known as the prince of hearts.
Guided by hope to cure her broken heart, she decides to strike a deal with Jacks.
Evangeline has always been curious and never doubted that there was magic in this world. But all magic has it’s price and Jacks is no hero.
Her plan does not go as imagined and Evangeline suddlenly finds herself on a dangerous journey to get the happy ending she always dreamt of.
She meets old friends and forms new enemies but soon it’s hard to tell who is really a friend and who is the real villain.


In this story you will not only fall in love with the characters but also feel immersed in the enchanting and whimsical world that is „The Magnificent North“. Where else will you find little dragons flying around  and meet all sorts of mystical creatures like vampires?

From the first page this book ensorcelled me and I can’t wait for everybody to read it and enjoy this amazing storytelling.


The german copy is out now.


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